I created Car Cast to help me deal with my hour long commute. I use it every day, I love it - but hey, it's my baby. Feel free to try it out and let me know what you think.
Car Cast is a simple audio podcast downloader and player. Optimized for use in a daily commute, it features big buttons, large text, remembers last played location. CarCast is open source software.
1. Subscribe to podcasts
2. Download podcasts (stored on flash card)
3. Playback in car/gym (no network needed)
View Tourhttp://jadn.com/carcast/tourCar Cast is the same as Car Cast Pro, but Pro is free of advertisements.我创建了汽车铸造帮我处理我的时间很长的通勤。我每天都使用它,我爱它 - 但是,嘿,这是我的宝贝。随意尝试一下,让我知道你的想法。
汽车铸造是一个简单的音频播客下载和播放器。在每天上下班的使用进行了优化,它拥有大按键,大文本,记得上次播放的位置。 CarCast是开源软件。